Tips To Stay Safe During A Power Outage

Power outages can last for days, weeks, or even longer. Apart from disturbing everyday life, they also pose a serious safety risk. Water, transportation, stores, and emergency services may all be disrupted, leading to numerous health and security problems.

If you don’t have a generator, you’ll need to take other action to stay safe. Here’s how to handle a power outage:

Protect refrigerated food

Avoid opening freezers or refrigerators unnecessarily when temperatures soar during a power outage. Otherwise, they won’t be able to keep cold air inside and expel warm air. Unopened refrigerators can maintain optimal temperatures for around four hours, whereas full freezers can remain cool for much longer (up to two days).

In addition, make sure to throw away food that doesn’t seem completely safe. The most common sign of spoilage is a foul odor, but some bacteria release no nasty smells. For instance, the bacteria that can cause botulism, Clostridium botulinum, produces a toxin that doesn’t stink at all, and the food tastes perfectly fine.

Prevent fire hazards and power overloads

Unplug electronics and appliances to avoid damage caused by power surges and overloads. Also, use flashlights instead of candles, as candles can tip over and lead to a fire.

As for the utilities, switch them off if instructed by local officials or there are signs of damage. The gas lines should only be turned on by qualified professionals, and the same goes for tripped circuit breakers. Seasoned electricians should inspect them to see if they’re safe to use.

Avoid overheating and dehydration

If the power goes out during a heatwave, go to the coolest area of the house. On top of that, don’t forget to shut all drapes and blinds and close the warmest rooms in the house. These are usually the areas that face the sun. Shut the entrances and put a towel on the bottom to seal the area off to prevent heat from spreading throughout the property.

Wear lightweight clothing and stay hydrated. Bring enough food and water for pets, too.  It would be best if you avoided alcohol and caffeinated drinks as both can have a powerful diuretic effect and lead to faster fluid loss. Drinking them can significantly increase the risk of dehydration.

Safeguard against monoxide poisoning

Don’t heat the property with a gas stove, and don’t use an outdoor stove indoors for cooking or heating. Furthermore, generators should remain outside in well-ventilated areas away from windows.

Leave if necessary

Evacuate the premises if they’re too cold or hot, or your medical devices need power. Communities generally provide cooling or heating centers, as well as charging stations. Another option is to spend some time with a friend or family member who still has electricity.

Zimmerman Electric is here to serve your residential and commercial electrical needs throughout the Phoenix Valley metro area. Call us today if you need electrical work performed 602-497-3365.


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